Gendered Images
Finding Connections in Local Advertisements from Columbus, MS Cofrom
Dubois, Ellen Carol, and Lynn Dumenil. Through Women's Eyes: An American History with Documents. 3rd ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2012.
Evans, Sara M. Tidal Wave: how women have changed America at century's end. New York: Free Press, 2003.
Hackett, David G. Religion and American Culture. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2003.
Hammond, Phillip E. The Protestant presence in twentieth-century America: religion and political culture. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992.
Katz, Sherry J. “Excavating Radical Women in Progressive-Era California” in Contesting Archives: Finding Women in the Archives eds. Nupur Chardhuri, Sherry J. Katz, and Mary Elizabeth Perry. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2010.
Kellner, Douglas. "Audience Reception and Use of Media Culture." Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism, and Media Culture by Douglas Kellner.
Moen, Matthew C. . "Content Pages of the Encyclopedia of Religion and Social Science." Content Pages of the Encyclopedia of Religion and Social Science. (accessed November 11, 2013).
Rampolla, Mary Lynn. A Pocket Guide to Writing in History, 5th ed. New York: Bedford/St. Martins, 2007.
Waugh, Jacqueline P. "Does Advertising Shape or Reflect Popular Culture?" Edinburgh Napier University, 2011.
The Commercial Dispatch(Columbus), "The Immortal." March 27, 1970.
The Commercial Dispatch (Columbus), "The Basic Side." August 30, 1970.
The Commercial Dispatch (Columbus), "This New Year." December 20, 1970.
The Commercial Dispatch (Columbus), "I Shall Keep This Lent." February 20, 1970.
The Commercial Dispatch (Columbus), "Christmas." December 21, 1970.
The Commercial Dispatch (Columbus), "Reasons to Be Thankful." November 20, 1970.
The Commercial Dispatch (Columbus), "Thanks Daddy." June 19, 1970.
The Commercial Dispatch (Columbus), "Teach Me to do Thy Will." March 15, 1970.
The Commercial Dispatch (Columbus), "And Every Man." September 4, 1970.
The Commercial Dispatch (Columbus), "Am I Rich." September 25, 1970.
The Commercial Dispatch (Columbus), "Belief Guides His Hands." December 6, 1970.
The Commercial Dispatch (Columbus), "This World." August 16, 1970.
The Commercial Dispatch (Columbus), "Healing." March 6, 1970.
The Commercial Dispatch (Columbus), "He Shares His Belief." December 13, 1970.
The Commercial Dispatch (Columbus), "Life's Romance." May 10, 1970.
Here you'll find the citations for works used directly on this website as well as works used in the creation of its arguments.